Measure Up: Banana Bread

Posting something a little more real time. I’ve been talking to my sister-in-law, Donya Luzee, a lot more the past couple of months. Like everyone else in the world, she and my brother are quarantining. Unlike everyone else, my brother is married to a chef and essentially has gourmet meals every single day of his life. If there’s anything in the world I wish I was more adept at it would be cooking. And what better time to learn than now? After some conversation, Ate Luzee decided to start blogging again and write down all her recipes. I highly recommend reading her blog, not just for food (although I will say Donya Luzee is a lot more informational than most personal blogs I’ve read! This is probably her professor side coming out. haha) but all her musings on life and travel too. Her passion for food and life is so infectious! I love how she cherishes every flavor, every experience as if it were the first time. She and my brother have been together for 16 years now. That’s 16 out of my almost-29 years of existence! She’s my sister in every essence of the word.

So I decided to document my little cooking journey as I try to Measure Up (😉) to my superchef sister. My first experiment: Donya Luzee’s Moist Dark Banana Bread recipe. a quarantine favorite. I added a crunchy topping of my own (who is she?? lol) - inspired by my fave mass produced banana bread, Red Ribbon. Learned a lot just by reading Donya Luzee’s recipe. Like the term “mise-en-place” which is to set-up, prepare your ingredients, and manage your work flow in the kitchen. I’m a stickler for being systematic and having order so that’s one thing I’d like to use in and out of the kitchen!

Difficulty level: easy! Donya Luzee’s pretty much made her recipet foolproof. I was worried mine would be dry but like the recipe title says, it was soooo moist!!

Difficulty level: easy! Donya Luzee’s pretty much made her recipe foolproof. I was worried mine would be dry but like the recipe title says, it was soooo moist!!



1⁄2 cup all-purpose flour
1⁄4 cup sugar
1⁄4 cup butter, melted
3⁄4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.
Sprinkle over batter before popping into the oven.
